Watering Guidelines for Maximum Efficiency


These guidelines have been developed to help encourage efficient water application and smooth out the water demand throughout the water system. This will help to even out demand on the water system which keeps operating costs down. More importantly, it will assist in maintaining adequate pressure during peak morning and evening demand times. This is extremely beneficial to homes at higher elevations.

Please use this simple graphic to help determine the best times of the day to water within a 24-hour cycle.

watering table

  • Outdoor watering hours are best from 9:00pm to 4:00am
  • Outdoor watering is not recommended between the hours of 10:00am to 4:00pm
  • Even house numbers should water on even numbered days of the month
  • Odd house numbers should water on odd numbered days of the month

These guidelines apply to hoses or hose-end devices left unattended. These guidelines do not apply to watering by hand-held hose while continuously being attended.

Remember to adjust your watering amounts as the weather and temperature change. Your lawn needs about one inch of water every four days to stay healthy. A good rule of thumb is to water 1 inch every four days (or 1/2 inch every other day).

If water runs off, try a “cycle” and “soak” approach. Water for shorter time periods, with time allowed between runs for the water to soak in.


Download this PDF for quick reference.